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El Paso Emergency Room | Best of the Border


October 14th, 2024 – El Paso, TX On October 8th, El Paso Emergency Room (EPER) attended the 2024 El Paso Times, Best of the Border Community Choice Awards. EPER received the invitation for being nominated a finalist in this year’s competition. The Best of the Border Community Choice Awards is a yearly competition in which the community nominates and then votes on the top businesses and organizations in the El Paso, TX community. This is the first year that EPER has been nominated in the Best Emergency Room category. The special event, that was hosted at the El Paso Convention Center, was a lively celebration of all the local businesses and organizations that finished in the top 3 in their respective categories.

El Paso Emergency Room was represented by Dr. Sergio Ibarra, Amy  Peña and Maria Flores.  To their great surprise, EPER was announced the winner of the Best Emergency Room category by presenter and current Miss El Paso 2024, Giselle Lopez. This marks the first time that EPER has won the Best of the Border title. The El Paso Times published a special section with the results of the contest on October 13th. The results can also be seen at

EPER would like to thank the community for their support throughout the nomination and voting rounds. This honor is a testament to El Paso Emergency Room’s commitment to providing exceptional emergency care to the community they serve.

El Paso Emergency Room is a full-service, physician owned emergency room facility with two locations in El Paso, Texas. They are known for their state-of-the-art technology, low wait times and providing compassionate emergency care. According to Google, EPER also has the highest rated reviews for Emergency Rooms in the El Paso region. EPER is accredited by AAAHC.