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Pediatric Emergency Care in El Paso, TX

Every second counts during a pediatric emergency. If you have any doubt about whether your child needs immediate or emergency care, you should visit an emergency room. At El Paso Emergency Room, we have two convenient locations specializing in pediatric emergency care in El Paso, TX. Our pediatric specialists can quickly assess your child’s symptoms, perform necessary diagnostic tests, and determine the most effective treatment method. Visit us for 24/7/365 emergency pediatric treatment from some of the most skilled and experienced specialists in the state.

Pediatric Emergency Care in El Paso, TX

Our 24-Hour Pediatric Emergency Room

Our 24-hour pediatric emergency room provides immediate and urgent triage for pediatric patients. We are fully staffed with pediatric nurses, physicians, and specialists who can handle any situation with urgency and compassion. We feature state-of-the-art equipment and technology to provide highly specialized pediatric care. Our goal is to make you and your child feel safe, comfortable, and cared for and our highly trained staff will do everything we can to ease your stress during your visit.

When Do You Need Emergency Pediatric Treatment?

How do you know if your child needs emergency treatment? When should you visit a pediatric emergency room? When do you need to seek medical care for a fever with other symptoms? If you have any doubt as to whether your child needs emergency care, you should visit our 24/7 pediatric emergency room. Swift intervention is crucial in a pediatric emergency, and the sooner you get treatment for your child, the less likely they are to experience complications. If you see any of these signs or symptoms of a pediatric emergency in your child, visit us right away:

  • Rapid or labored breathing
  • Loss of consciousness or seizures
  • Hives or sudden skin rashes or skin flushing
  • Fever of 104 degrees or more
  • Fever in infants under three months old
  • Blue coloring of the skin, lips, or fingertips
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Severe pain
  • Sudden or severe swelling or bruising
  • Unexplained injuries or trauma
  • Altered mental state or confusion
  • Severe or prolonged headache
  • Inability to speak, cough, or breathe
  • Rapid or weak pulse
  • Clammy or cold skin or uncontrollable shivering
  • Yellowed skin or eyes
  • Reduced urine output or dark urine
  • Inability to pee or poop
  • Blood in vomit, urine, or poop
  • Refusal to eat or drink
Emergency Pediatric Treatment in El Paso, TX

Benefits of Choosing a Pediatric Emergency Room

Why should you visit a pediatric emergency room over an urgent care facility or your pediatrician? Our pediatric emergency room provides 24/7/365 care and emergency services. We can quickly assess your child’s symptoms and perform the necessary testing to determine what is causing them and how urgent their situation is. We provide immediate emergency care with no waiting, and our pediatric emergency facilities are designed with children’s comfort in mind. The advantages of choosing our pediatric emergency room are:

  • Limited or no wait times for care
  • Immediate access to pediatric specialists
  • Comfortable, child-friendly waiting rooms and treatment rooms
  • Reduced stress and strain
  • After-hours care
  • Pediatric dosing of medication and antibiotics

Our Emergency and Critical Care Pediatric Services

We provide safe, swift, and effective pediatric care for any pediatric emergency. Our facilities have the equipment and staff needed to quickly respond to any scope of emergency with precision, compassion, and life-saving care:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Broken bones
  • Sprains and strains
  • Cuts and wounds
  • Fainting
  • Seizures
  • Poisoning
  • Dehydration
  • Flu and cold
  • High or uncontrolled fever
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Constipation and diarrhea
  • Head injury or concussion
  • Accident or injury treatment
  • Drug or alcohol overuse
  • Suicidal ideation or attempts
  • Self-harm
  • Pediatric burns and emergency care

Why Choose El Paso Emergency Room for Urgent Pediatric Care

Our staff at El Paso Emergency Room is highly trained and experienced. We provide 24/7/365 emergency care for patients of all ages at our two conveniently located emergency rooms. We have a team of registered nurses, trauma and emergency nurses, pediatric physicians and specialists, and pediatric surgeons who work together to provide seamless, expert care. Our pediatric emergency rooms were carefully designed to be comfortable and child-friendly to reduce stress and strain on children and their families while they wait. We are experts in pediatric triage, pediatric pain management, and pediatric intervention in any emergency. We provide immediate and emergency care and referrals to pediatric specialists or transportation to a more specialized pediatric facility if needed.

Learn More About Our Pediatric Emergency Care Services

Call us today or contact us online to learn more about our pediatric emergency care services in El Paso, TX. We urge you to visit if you have any suspicion that something isn’t right with your child so that we can evaluate their symptoms and run necessary tests.

Visit Us for 24/7 Walk-in Emergency Care